Breast Surgery Phuket
Review breast surgery with Phibeautyclinic Phuket, Thailand
This topic We talk about breast augmentation with breast silicone tear drop implant shape (Mentor's brand from America) by Doctor Chi, plastic surgeon at Phibeautyclinic Phuket
My name's Luk, I live in Phuket and I have small of breast tissue, I want bigger boob. I desire and search information of breast surgery in Phuket so much to see picture before and after picture When doing breast surgery. Finally I choose Phibeautyclinic Phuket, plastic surgery clinic because doctor have more of experience of cosmetic surgery and clinic is very clean and professional of plastic surgery.
First picture before I did beast surgery, breast not full

And today I will have breast surgery (boob job) with breast implant size 380 cc, tear drop implant. In case of me We have some sagging of breast then I have to do breast augmentation with lift surgery together for the best result.

After 3 days doctor have appointment to take off the breast bandage.

Wow This picture Now is 3 months after breast surgery or breast augmentation, "I like my new boob so much, look more natureral. I recommend who want to do breast surgery think of Phibeautyclinic Phuket by Doctor Chi "